14-year-old is 'Strong Against Cancer'

By Paul Treyz On a warm, sunny day in mid-June, 14-year-old Michael Albrecht had just completed all of his eighth-grade requirements, and his future looked bright, indeed. Michael, whose plans included becoming an Eagle Scout, was already conscientiously searching college ratings with a goal of becoming a successful businessman and, perhaps someday, owning his own amusement park. A straight-A student, Michael had recently been elected freshman class treasurer, and he was scheduled the following day GÇô the final day of school GÇô to attend and present academic awards at a school assembly. Within two weeks of that June day, Michael was scheduled to join several family members on a two-week educational tour of Europe. His mother had already carefully packed each of their bags. However, on that very same day, a doctor, while examining Michael for a bump on his left leg. discovered it to be cancerous. Within days, this was diagnosed as Ewings sarcoma, a rare type of bone cancer. Since that fateful June day, Michael has been, and continues to be, aggressively treated at Seattle's Children's Hospital. Michael has a strong Christian faith, has bravely endured all the operations, tests, therapy and ongoing chemo treatments without complaint. His current goal is to be able to raise $1,000 for children's cancer research. To reach this goal, Michael has designed a shirt with a picture of a rollercoaster and the words, "Life is a Rollercoaster GÇô Pray Big." A designer has agreed to market the shirt, with 20 percent of its price to go to "Strong Against Cancer," a children's cancer research organization. Michael did not want his name on the shirt, and he refused to accept any of the profit for himself.
Paul Treyz is an Eatonville resident. Michael Albrecht is his grandson. Learn about Strong Against Cancer at strongagainstcancer


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