Community garden is truly an asset

Having been away for several months allows me to see the beauty of this area again with fresh eyes. One of the most striking things I have noticed is the amazingly lush and attractive community garden in Eatonville. This is the garden's third year, and it is the picture of what a community garden should look like and do for the community. Its presence adds beauty to what once was a plain lot, it produces an abundance of fresh, organically grown produce for the local food bank to distribute, and it provides a place for locals to garden. The garden team planted every raised bed, expanded the in-ground bed, raised a beautiful flower garden, and improved the compost demo area. I am proud of the work done by this small group of dedicated gardeners. I invite you to stop by and enjoy the garden yourself. If you are interested in being a part of this endeavor, contact the Mountain Community Co-op, or e-mail Thank you to the gardeners of the community garden. You have worked hard to make a beautiful community project bloom and grow.
Debra Grant


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