Election wish: Please participate

By Julie Anderson This is how I think of an election. The purpose of an election is to allow the community to have a conversation. "Where do we want to go?GÇ¥ "What are our values?GÇ¥ "How much should we spend?GÇ¥ "How do we define quality of life?GÇ¥ Election workers hold that conversation together. I call it "holding the space.GÇ¥ That means we don't judge voters or candidates, make them feel inadequate, or try to impact the conversation's outcome. We simply offer access and support, and promote transparency and equality. We hold the space so that every voice can be heard, even when the conversation occasionally degrades into an uncivil shouting match. Our Challenge This year has been GÇô and continues to be GÇô incredibly challenging. Blood is running high and hot. There's a lot of shouting, not much listening. In addition, we have some significant logistical challenges. Of the six elections being conducted in 2016, three of them overlap. As I write this note, we are certify- ing May's unusual, controversial Presidential Primary (the nominating process for the Republican Party's national convention). Simultaneously, we are proofing and printing ballots for the August Primary which features 284 candidates for 98 offices. Also, the Pierce County Charter Review Commission, which con- venes only once every 10 years, will offer amendments to Pierce County's Charter (our constitution) in November. And finally, we anticipate that November's general election will be the largest in Washington State's history. Our Hope On behalf of Pierce County's election professionals, we hope you'll be patient, thoughtful participants in 2016. The Primary will be a crowded ballot with many offices, candidates, and issues. It's okay if you don't vote for every item on the ballot. Vote for the offices and issues that are important to you. Rest assured your votes will be counted. Please participate in your community's conversation. We're holding the space for you.
Julie Anderson is Pierce County's auditor. Her duties include overseeing the county elections department. She wrote this article as the "Message from the AuditorGÇ¥ in the county's voters pamphlet.


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