Forum: Disabled parking, business upgrade, Ashford's postmistress

I heard that there is going to be undercover police out to catch texting while driving. That's good, but they need to catch people using disabled parking when they don't deserve to. They need to be fined, and so do the doctors that pass disabled-parking permits out to sprained ankles and such. There are people out there that need those parking spots, and if the law comes down on them then maybe the people that deserve them can use them. Dick Roper
To my surprise, I was in Plaza Market in Eatonville the other day and found out they were now taking debit cards. This is a major upgrade for our community and, I am sure, appreciated by many residents. However, our community residents are not the only customers who will benefit. Many of our customers at the resort who enjoy stopping at the Plaza hesitated to stop there en route because they no longer carry their check books with them and did not have adequate cash. These potential customers made their pickup stops in Spanaway, Graham and Orting prior to Eatonville. I am disappointed this information, which is a major upgrade for Eatonville, did not make the community news point, our Dispatch. We are all delighted that we now have the option to use debit cards at the Plaza. Kenna Bergstrom Mineral Lake Resort
For several years, Karen Stoppleworth has been Ashford's beloved postmistress. In early November, she will relocate to the McKenna Post Office. During her tenure in Ashford, Karen has always provided first-rate service. Her engaging personality has made a trip to the P.O. a pleasure rather than a chore. I'm sure I speak for the whole community in wishing her well and saying thanks for what she has meant to Ashford. We will miss her. Sarah Scott


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