Hancock donates to school

A timber company has donated money to the Eatonville School District for middle school education. The School Board last month formally accepted the $1,070 donation from Hancock Forest Management for Eatonville Middle School's Springboard and Language Arts programs. At the same Dec. 19 meeting, the board also.approved the district's contract for interscholastic sports coaches and other extracurricular coaching or advisory positions. The three-year agreement covers the current school year and continues until Aug. 31, 2015. Among other things, the contact sets stipends, or salaries, of Eatonville High school varsity coaches. The highest stipends are in football and boys and girls basketball, each at $5,593. Wrestling is next at $5,254, followed by $4,407 for baseball, boys and girls soccer, swimming, boys and girls tennis, volleyball, and track and field. The athletic director also receives the top scale of $5, 593. Other positions range from associated student body advisor ($4,088) to yell staff coach ($2,712) and newspaper advisor ($2,373). The board is scheduled to meet tonight at the district office for a work study session.


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