Race for mayor gets candidates

A town councilman, the town's treasurer and a former fire chief are running for Eatonville mayor. In the first two days of this week's candidate filing period, Councilman Gordon Bowman, Treasurer Mike Schaub and Carl (Bud) Lucas have entered the race. Mayor Ray Harper hasn't stated publicly if he'll run for re-election. Other local offices with candidates who have filed so far include Bethel School Board and Eatonville School Board. Bethel board member Stanley Chapin has signed up to keep his seat. Amy Privetta Hoffman is running for the District 4 position now held by Michael Audas. Twol Eatonville boad incumbents - Jeff Lucas and Ronda Litzenberger - have filed for their positions. The filing period continutes through Friday. Offices that attract more than two candidates will be on the primary election ballot in August. The general election will be in November. (Read updates in dispatchnews.com and more in the May 22 print edition of The Dispatch)


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