Settlement for judge left without a court

The town of Eatonville will pay $6,000 in a contract settlement with a former Municipal Court judge who was displaced when the court services were transferred to another town. Tom Faubion will be paid $500 for each month in 2013 to complete his contract. The agreement was approved Jan. 28 by the Town Council. Faubion, an attorney and senior partner of a law firm in Lakewood, was Eatonville's judge on a part-time basis since November 2009. His services were no longer needed after the council, in a move intended to reduce court costs long-term, last fall gave Bonney Lake the job of handling all Municipal Court cases for Eatonville. The arrangement with Bonney Lake is for at least 2013. It will be automatically renewed for two more years unless Eatonville or Bonney Lake officials decide to terminate it. Bonney Lake is paid $126 for each criminal case and $65 for each traffic and parking infraction it handles for Eatonville. For jury trials, Eatonville pays the daily fee of $10 and mileage for jurors to go to Bonney Lake for court proceedings.


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