Smile: More waters getting crabby

HOOK AND FUR By Bob Brown Crabbers have something to smile about. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) opened crab fishing in Hood Canal (Marine Area 12) on June 15, more than two weeks earlier than originally scheduled. Rich Childers, shellfish policy lead for the department, said recent test fisheries indicated crabs in Hood Canal are in hardshell condition, allowing for the early season. Crabbing in Hood Canal will be allowed Thursdays through Mondays each week, and will be closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The seasonwill remain open through Sept. 7. The daily limit for crab fishers throughout Puget Sound is five Dungeness crab, males only, in hardshell condition with a minimum carapace width of 6.25 inches. Fishers may catch six red rock crab of either sex per day, provided those crabs measure at least five inches. Also, crab fishers may not set or pull shellfish gear from a vessel from one hour after official sunset to one hour before official sunrise. All shellfish gear must be removed from the water on closed days.


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