Soccer players taking talents to college

Edmonds Community College hopes two new recruits from the Bethel School District can help it remain at or near the top of NWAACC women's soccer. Graham-Kapowsin High School's Peytron Pruett, one of the leading goalkeepers in the South Puget Sound League 4A last year, and Keana King of Bethel High have signed letters-of-intent with the Tritons. Pruett had shutouts in five of Graham-Kapowsin's 15 matches during the 2013 season. She capped her senior campaign with All-SPSL second-team and league academic honors. . King is a forward. Edmonds, located north of Seattle, competes in the NWAACC (Northwest Athletic Association of Community Colleges). The Tritons reached the championship game of the 2013 conference tournament in Seattle last November, losing 2-1 to Peninsula. That performance, plus a 16-3-3 overall record, earned NWAACC Coach of the Year honors for Tritons mentor Jeannette Daley.


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