Take 'every opportunity' to lead

Montgomery Potter's dream of becoming an Army officer is starting to materialize. The Graham-Kapowsin High School senior has been accepted to the United States Military Academy Preparatory School. It's on the same grounds of the U.S. Mllitary Academy, or West Point, the hallowed institution 50 miles north of New York City that turns out Army officer candidates. "I am so excited to serve my country,GÇ¥ Potter said after learning he'd been accepted through the lengthy application process into one of the country's elite schools. "I always wanted to be an officer in the UArmy, and I thought if I want to be an officer, I want to go to the best place for leadership development training. That's the Military Academy.GÇ¥ West Point Prep provides academic, military and physical training in order to qualify candidates for admission to and graduation from the Military Academy. Potter, a member of Graham-Kapowsin's Junior ROTC, was nominated for West Point Prep by U.S. Rep. Denny Heck. Other requirements for the highly competitive admission include above-average grades in high school. After graduating from the preparatory school and then four more years of studies at West Point, Potter will be an officer, following in the footsteps of his older brother, who is a first lieutenant stationed in South Korea. "He was a very big inspiration of mine,GÇ¥ said Potter, whose father also served in the Army. For fellow students thinking of careers in the military or in leadership positions, Potter's advice is "to seek every leadership opportunity you can. Whether it's in sports, in clubs, even just in the classroom discussion, every leadership opportunity you can obtain GÇô go for it.GÇ¥ -á


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