'Tis the flu season

Health officials are urging virtually everyone to get a flu shot to keep from catching the dreaded bug in the upcoming influenza season. The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department notes that the flu is more than just a bad cold. People can suffer for days from fever, coughing, sore throats and aching bodies. Worse, influenza every year causes thousands of deaths and hospitalizations across the U.S.. A Pierce County woman died last year from flu-related complications. The best way to prevent flu is by getting a flu vaccine, officials say. The Health Department offers the following questions and answers about battling the bug:
If I got a flu vaccination last year, do I need one again this year?
Yes. Each year, a new vaccine is made from flu viruses that are expected to be present during the season.
When should I get vaccinated?
You should get vaccinated as soon as the vaccine is available. There is still a health benefit in getting a flu shot at any time during the flu season. In the Pacific Northwest, flu activity is usually at the highest level in January or February, and can go longer. Do children need more than one dose of flu vaccine per year? In general, children under age-รก9 need two doses of flu vaccine the first year they start getting the vaccinations. If I child age 6 months to 9 years has not had two flu vaccines total in their lifetime, they should receive two doses this season. The two doses should be separated by at least 4 weeks.
Are there side effects to the vaccine?
Most people do not have any side effects. If they do happen, they are usually mild. The most common side effects are soreness, redness, tenderness or swelling where the shot is given. The flu vaccine cannot give you the flu.
How effective is the flu vaccine?
The effectiveness of the flu vaccine depends on the match between the flu vaccine and the types of flu viruses that are circulating. If there is a good match, the flu vaccine is usually over 60% effective in healthy adults. Flu vaccine is generally somewhat less effective in elderly persons and very young children, but vaccination can still prevent serious complications. The flu vaccine is more effective in healthy people, and it is important for healthy people to receive the flu shot to protect people close to them who may not be healthy.
What are the different types of flu vaccine?
Currently, two types of vaccine available: " The flu shot (also called inactivated influenza vaccine). Made up of killed viruses, can't give you the flu, and should be given to children 6 months to age 2, people age 50 years and older, pregnant women, and anyone with any health problems or chronic conditions such as diabetes or asthma. " Nasal spray vaccine (also called live-attenuated influenza vaccine). Made of live flu viruses that have been changed and weakened (attenuated), so it cannot give healthy people the flu. For healthy children and non-pregnant adults between the ages of 2 and 49 only.


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