Voters pamphlet needs school bond foes

March 2 is the deadline for organized opposition to upcoming bond measures in the Bethel and Eatonville school districts to submit written statements for the Pierce County special election voters pamphlet. The county auditor's office, which oversees elections, announced last week that it's recruiting individuals to form committees that can submit statements against the bond proposals that will be on the ballot for the election that ends April 26. These school districts didn't appoint committee members to prepare "against" statements for the local voters pamphlet that will be available to voters before the election is over. As required by state law, the auditor's office must try to appoint up to three members to form opposition committees in both bond contests. Committee members must be a resident and registered voter of Pierce County for at least one year immediately prior to the appointment, musst pledge to work cooperatively with other members of the committee, and must have "ready access to e-mail," a spokesman for the auditor said. Also, a least one committee member must be willing to submit a phone number, e-mail or web site address for publication in the pamphlet. Prospective apppointees can e-mail their name and phone number to by noon March 2. The oppposition statements are due by 4:30 p.m. the same day. Rebuttal statements from bond supporters will be due March 4, officials said.


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