Who will write against school levies?

Pierce County election officials are trying to appoint writers of "againstGÇ¥ statements for the Eatonville and Bethel school district levies that face voters next month. Election officials are required by law to seek an "against" statement to include with a pro-ballot measure information in the county's voter pamphlet. Here's what's needed, as outlined by the county auditor, who oversees elections: " Appointees must be a resident and registered voter of Pierce County for at least one year immediately before the appointment, pledge to work cooperatively with other members of an opposition committee, and have ready access to e-mail. " "AgainstGÇ¥ writers must follow word limits, and deadlines for statements and rebuttals. Their names must appear in the voters pamphlet. And at least one committee member must submit a phone number, e-mail or website address for publication in the pamphlet.-á Applicants can e-mail their name and phone number to pcvoterpamphlet@co.pierce.wa.us. Appointments will be made in the order that the requests are received, an auditor's spokesman said. The deadline to apply is Dec. 30 at 12 noon. The deadline to submit an "againstGÇ¥ statement is the same day at 4:30 p.m.


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