Graduation ceremony was inspiring for everyone

An open letter to Eatonville High School principal John Paul Colgan:
It was a pleasure to be present at June 17’s graduation ceremony, and I feel compelled to let you know what a wonderful experience it was to be a part of.  
I was there to see my nephew, Jakob Wolfe, receive his diploma. Everything from the band performances to the student singing performance to the speeches, both from faculty and students, to the video production and everything in between, was terrific.
The speeches, while intended for graduate inspiration, meant something to everyone there. Words were spoken that struck a chord in all of us adults. They served as a reminder of what we need to do with our own grownup lives, and I am sure inspired the younger kids that were in the audience. I felt inspired by everyone’s words.  
It really felt like a community event, and I know that is what your town of Eatonville is all about. It really had a smalltown feel to it, and I enjoyed every minute of being there.  
I feel it most important to let you and your staff know what stuck out in my mind the most. There was not one graduate that I saw cross the stage to receive their diploma that evening that did not look every individual they were shaking hands with in the eye and appeared to genuinely thank them. I found this to be most impressive and want to let all of your staff and administrators know how great it was to see this kind of behavior from these young adults.  
It was very evident that your staff (not exclusively teaching staff; kitchen, custodial, coaches and everyone they come into contact with each school day) has done a terrific job in teaching our youth how to be adults.  In a world of electronic communication and social media, where young adults don’t really ever have to look someone in the eye and talk to them, it was incredible to see such interaction.  Please forward my message along to your staff as a token of my thanks for their contribution to our society from an outsider.
Shannon Wolfe Phillips


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