Relay for Life comes through

Participants in the annual Eatonville Relay for Life raised $37,730 (at last count) for the American Cancer Society during the 24-hour event June 3-4 at Eatonville High School’s track and football field.

According to organizers, six teams – including one representing South Pierce Fire and Rescue (pictured) – raised $2,000-plus, led by the Flamingo Red Hatters’ $7,589. And seven individuals topped the $2,000 mark, including Betty Zenkner, the leader at $4,505.

The fund-raising included lots of laps around the track, starting on Saturday afternoon. The South Pierce Fire contingent alone logged 151,207 steps, for a distance of 76 miles and 302 laps.

Proceeds from the annual Relay for Life benefit programs for cancer patients and research for a cure in the fight against the disease.


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