Paws-itively adorable!

Northwest Trek welcomes first of two orphaned bear cubs

Paws-itively adorable!

Paws-itively adorable!

A 6-month-old orphaned grizzly bear cub has a new home at Northwest Trek Wildlife Park in Eatonville, and a second yearling is expected to arrive sometime in the next few weeks.

But those eager to see the bear pair will have to be patient, as it will be some time before they make their public debut.

“This bear cub is the beginning of decades more bear history for Northwest Trek,” said Zoological Curator Marc Heinzman in a press release. “I am excited for what’s to come.”

The yet-to-be-named cub was discovered malnourished and alone near Nome, Alaska a few months ago, his still-nursing mother illegally killed by poachers. Keepers at the Alaska Zoo in Anchorage cared for the now 90-pound cub, bottle feeding him several times a day and transitioning him to solid foods.

“He’s a really playful, happy bear,” Northwest Trek bear keeper Angela Gibson said in a release.

Gibson is serving as a a pseudo surrogate mom to the bear, feeding him every few hours, and seeing to his comfort and safety. The bear receives formula three times a day along with specially formulated chow, along with apples, peaches, pears, other produce, and sustainable salmon. He’ll slowly be introduced to other new foods, like berries, plants, insects, and other meat, as well as produce it would typically find in the wild.

“He’s already sniffing every inch and exploring each corner of his den,” read the press release announcing the bear’s arrival. “And he made it quickly known with his playful demeanor that he was appreciative of the logs and other bear-cub-appropriate “toys” his keepers have set out for him.”

Once the second rescued cub arrives, keepers will begin brainstorming potential names for the pair, keeping with the Trek tradition of either meaningful geographic names, or the names of plants, trees, and other flora. Visitors will then have the opportunity to vote for their favorite names.

Northwest Trek recently revamped its empty grizzly bear exhibit in anticipation of taking in orphaned bears. Brother and sister Hudson and Denali lived at the wildlife park for nearly a quarter century, passing away well into their geriatric years.

Northwest Trek is open daily from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. until Sept. 3. At closing time, the admission gates close, and the last tram leaves the tour station, but the park itself is open for another 90 minutes.

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