Preparing students for a bright future: Biomedical science

The future is bright for the next generation of doctors and scientists.

This year, Eatonville High School students will have the opportunity to enroll in a new science course as part of the Project Lead the Way program within the Career and Technical Education department.

In the Project Lead the Way Biomedical Sciences program, students study the concepts of human medicine, physiology, genetics, microbiology and public health, within the context of real-world situations.  Students may find themselves investigating the death of a fictional person, building small pumps to simulate the workings of a heart, or researching processes in human medicine.

Throughout the course, students are expected to think creatively and critically, communicate effectively, work in teams, and conduct themselves as Biomedical professionals.  Students work collaboratively to understand and design solutions to the most pressing current health challenges, preparing them to continue their studies through post-secondary education and careers.

All courses within the Career and Technical Education department at EHS emphasize the skills and knowledge students will need in the 21st Century workplace.  Each course is aligned to industry standards based on feedback from a state-wide network of community partners.  Students enrolled in these courses earn credit from local technical colleges in addition to credit towards graduation.

Currently, EHS offers Career and Technical education in the areas of Culinary Arts, Engineering Design, Computer Science, Microsoft Applications, Career Choices, Aerospace Engineering, Finance, Communication Technologies and Materials Science, in addition to the Biomedical Sciences.

Through these courses, Eatonville High School students are prepared to compete in a global workforce that requires strong skills within the STEM disciplines.  While all students may not become engineers, computer scientists or biomedical professionals, they are well-prepared to be problem-solvers, critical thinkers and innovators.


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