An open thank you letter to Sky Valley Food Bank from Morris family

In celebration of the Sky Valley Food Bank’s 40th anniversary, a big thank you for continuing to help your neighbors in need! My family and I deeply appreciate you honoring my mother.

Julia V. Morris who started this much needed charity from her back door!  You have nurtured and added to the wonderful programs she grew such as school supplies and toys for Christmas. 

You, the volunteers, the board, and the donors do a wonderful job of keeping donations coming in and the doors open!  This is a great testament to your public relations and behind the scenes work – of which I know are more hours than anyone else could guess!  You are all top-notch folks and the volunteers are my heroes!  Everybody involved brings their own special skills, abilities and gifts. These combined qualities keep the programs at the SVFB working for the benefit of our friends in need.

When my mother Julia became ill in 1999, I felt it a complete privilege to become the new director. Having volunteered with her from the beginning (when I could), I knew the rewards of being helped, and in turn, helping others in need.  Thankfully, with the help of the loyal donors and volunteers, the food bank kept growing into a large operation.  It was a true privilege to serve for those ten very rewarding years.  I deeply cherish my time there and all the people I have been honored to work with and know.  It was a soulful life-experience.

The teams that have cared for the Julia V. Morris Centennial Garden also deserve a grand ovation for all their work there.  All their time and energy from prep, growing, and harvesting brings in tons of vitally needed fresh food.  A Huge Thank You to Marilee Schneider and all the volunteers in that beautiful and productive garden!

Profound gratitude to all the folks, past and present, who dedicated and continue to dedicate their time, effort, energy, and hearts to the Sky Valley Food Bank.  The whole team and the community members who help deserve a generous and heartfelt THANK YOU for jobs superbly done!  BRAVO!

On behalf of the family of Julia V. Morris, we thank each and every one of you for honoring her legacy by continuing the work that alleviates hunger and other issues for Monroe’s and Upper Valley neighbors.  You are genuinely living the 40 year motto my mother thought of and lived:



Julie A. Morris-Britton and Family


Julia V. Morris


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