Another take on "Fake LakeGÇ¥ wakeboarding

Holy Cow!! After reading the about the brouhaha surrounding the proposed cable park on Lake Tye (Fake Lake, as most of us call it) and the whining about 'environmental impacts' (four birds in 11 years hit a power line somewhere? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Hope they were starlings...) and the lawyers and the 'shoreline substantial development permits', and the 'shoreline conditional use permits' and the 'municipal codes' and the 'examiners' and the 'public hearings' and miles-áof red tape required to start any kind of small business in Monroe (or anywhere),-áI'm feeling a little incredulous, light headed,-áand nauseous. To have some kids and 'extreme' water skiing goofballs skimming around the surface of the lake once a year or so, pulled by a cable and having fun and drawing a crowd is not going to 'impact' or ruin anything of any significance. (They are not "motorized water craft".) This is a non-harmful little project that will provide some jobs and income for the city, and some construction and other work that will help people put food on the table.-áThe city has already determined that there will be "no probable or significant adverse environmental impacts"-á(translation:-á it' ain't gonna hurt nuthin') from this project. Let's just go with that and bend a little.
A developer and builder friend of mine has told me that just meeting the mitigation and impact fee requirements and permits red tape of building a simple single family home in Monroe exceeds a total of $30,000.00 at this time.-áIt's becoming almost impossible to do anything at all here. Let's loosen up!
Robert Van den Akker


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