Artist's tunnel vision complete at state fairgrounds

By Aleah Bright Monitor summer intern

Local artist Cheri O'Brien put the finishing touches on her new public art installation, "A Day at the Fair,GÇ¥ on Friday, May 20.

O'Brien's display has transformed the Evergreen State Fairgrounds entry tunnels with powder-coated steel animals and glass images inspired by the barn displays, carnival rides and fair icons unique to the state fair in Monroe.

At the age of five, O'Brien knew she wanted to be an artist. She is self-taught, and began by drawing mostly horses and dogs. Her love of animals continued to be a theme in her art through the years. Her professional art career began after her oil pastel of a carousel horse's head earned the 1987 grand prize in the Evergreen State Fair.

Now she is unifying her artistic skills with her memories of attending the fair as a little girl to create this installation of original work in the tunnels. She hopes it will create a fond memory for all those who attend.

She said she incorporated the people, places and animals in her life into the project. Her childhood dog she showed in 4-H and won three blue ribbons with is included in her painting featuring the dog barn. Paintings of the Purple Cow, Tualco Grange, musicians and livestock barns in reverse glass are held in the steel animal frames lining the tunnel walls.

"I wanted it to be more whimsical and fun for the kids,GÇ¥ O'Brien said of the installation. "It is kind of cartoonish; I always paint with a lot of color.GÇ¥ She considers this to be American narrative style.

Many people contributed to her "all-inclusiveGÇ¥ project. Her husband, Rob, a retired union carpenter, and his brother did all of the measuring in preparation for the welding and most of the installing.

"We want it to feel festive and fun as soon as you get out of your car,GÇ¥ said fairgrounds manager Hal Gausman. "It's amazing for us to brighten it up. We hope the fair brightens people's day.GÇ¥

The $60,000 budget for the Monroe Fairgrounds entry tunnel project was funded by the 1 Percent for Arts program, which is managed by the Snohomish County Office of Economic Development. This funding program requires a 1 percent contribution to the county's arts fund by county construction projects costing at least $100,000. Funds generated by the 1 Percent program can only go to the acquisition of art. Artworks are selected based on recommendations to the county executive by the Snohomish County Arts Commission.

O'Brien has done two previous projects through the 1 Percent program; fused glass murals on display at Silver Lake Elementary in Everett and another at North Hill Elementary in Des Moines.

"By investing in original artworks that enhance and bring value to our community's outdoor parks, the Snohomish County Arts Commission is contributing to the creation of vibrant public spaces,GÇ¥ said Robert Fairfax, chairman of the Snohomish County Arts Commission, in a news release. "Cheri's humorous and playful installation creates a fun and exciting welcome that predicts the laughter and excitement experienced by our citizens and visitors who attend the fair each year.GÇ¥

The Evergreen State Fairgrounds' year-round activities draw more than 300,000 attendees annually. The fairgrounds are at 14405 179th Ave. S.E., off State Route 2 in Monroe. The tunnel artwork is accessible during fairgrounds operational hours.

Photos courtesy of Snohomish County Local artist Cheri OGÇÖBrien used her fond childhood memories of the Evergreen State Fairgrounds to create a new tunnel art installation that will greet fairgoers.


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