Barking for a good cause

By Jessica Matyas

"Join us to help take a bite out of cancer!GÇ¥ is the slogan for the American Cancer Society's Bark for Life canine fundraiser. The event will be held at Lake Tye Park (14964 Fryelands Blvd.) in Monroe from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sunday, May 17. It provides an opportunity for people to get out with canine companions and to contribute to cancer cures through the American Cancer Society.

Participants will take a walk around the lake, receive a bag of goodies and enjoy the vendors, music, food, demonstrations, crafts, photo booth and canine costume contest. Participants can register at the event or online at The cost is $20 for one dog and $10 for each additional dog.

Proceeds from the event will support the American Cancer Society's research to find a cure for cancer.-á

Bark for Life is an extension of the Sky Valley Relay for Life event, which will happen on May 30 and 31 at Monroe High School (17001 Tester Road). Bark for Life provides a smaller venue where cancer fighters and survivors ' human and dog alike ' can celebrate life and provide support together.

In addition to celebrating the relationship between human cancer patients and their canine caregivers, Bark for Life is meant to raise awareness of canine cancer, which is the leading cause of death in older dogs. According to a recent study by the Canine Health Foundation, 30 percent of dogs over the age of 7 develop cancer.

All dogs are welcome at Bark for Life. Event Coordinator Lynn LaBoda said it's important for survivors to be able to have their dogs, who have been by their sides through everything, and the same goes for dogs who are survivors of cancer themselves. People and their dogs have been each other's caregivers for hundreds of years, and Bark for Life commemorates that relationship.

According to the American Cancer Society, more than 1.6 million new human cancer cases are expected to be diagnosed in 2015. Fundraising events like Relay for Life and Bark for Life help raise money for cancer research and programs.-á

For more information, contact Lynn LaBoda at, or visitá


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