Bearcat of the Month

When she isn't playing in the wind ensemble or the pep band, performing with the flag team, studying or skiing, this Bearcat also takes college classes and goes to work; all while maintaining a 3.5 grade point average.
Monroe High School senior Danielle Craig is looking forward to graduation in June, and has been considering her options as far as what to do next. The Running Start student is taking two classes at Everett Community College, along with her classes at the high school. The 17-year-old has already been accepted to Montana State University, but is also considering Western Washington University and has recently submitted her application.
"I can't believe I'm graduating this year,GÇ¥ said Craig. "It's insane.GÇ¥
Craig includes math and chemistry as being among her favorite classes. Her career interests are becoming oriented towards chemical engineering and forensics.
"I definitely feel like I like chemistry a lot,GÇ¥ said Craig. "I'm also thinking of doing something with law enforcement if I don't go into that.GÇ¥
In addition to abnormal psychology, she is currently taking criminal justice through Everett Community College.
Craig has just taken a sizeable step towards graduation by successfully completing her Culminating Challenge. The Monroe School District graduation requirement is made up of several different components including a project, portfolio, a research paper and a final presentation. Craig focused on forensic chemistry for her challenge, including a crime scene analysis.
"I got to go investigate a crime scene,GÇ¥ said Craig. "It was really cool.GÇ¥
The crime scene was staged with the help of her father, John Craig. As a part of the challenge she worked with a mentor who advised her on different aspects of her final project. Craig's mentor, who has a bachelor's in chemical engineering and a master's in forensics, has been an inspiration to Craig in regards to her potential career aspirations.
Additionally, she was able to meet with an agent from the Drug Enforcement Agency, who also worked with Craig in an advisory capacity.
Her recent presentation signified the last stage of her Culminating Challenge.
"The presentation is kind of the final piece, where you have to present to a high-stakes panel,GÇ¥ said Monroe School District Spokesperson, Rosemary O'Neil. "There are young people who are not successful their first time through.GÇ¥
Craig received notification that she had successfully passed the Culminating Challenge on Friday. This was especially good news since her presentation had ended up being unexpectedly difficult.
"My PowerPoint wouldn't work,GÇ¥ explained Craig. "I actually presented my presentation without a PowerPoint.-á It was scary.GÇ¥
Regardless of her busy class schedule, Craig still finds time to participate in extracurricular activities like the flag team, and is also involved in Monroe High School's music program. Having been in band since the 6th grade, she currently plays the melophone for the school's pep band, and the French horn as a part of the wind ensemble. She is also considering taking up another instrument.
"I've been trying to pick up the violin,GÇ¥ said Craig.-á"I think that would be really cool.-áMy mom was a big violin player when she was a kid.GÇ¥
Craig, who has been in the Monroe School District throughout her entire education thus far, has adapted well to the added responsibility of the Running Start program, and enjoys taking college classes.
"I think I like it more than high school, actually,GÇ¥ said Craig. "You're more independent.GÇ¥
In addition to everything else, Craig works at a retail establishment in Woodinville.
Craig won't be the first Monroe High School graduate in her family; her sister graduated last year and is currently studying to be a registered nurse at PIMA Medical Institute in Nevada. Craig lives in Maltby with her parents, John and Bonnie Craig. She shared that her parents have been extremely helpful to her throughout her life.
"They've always been really supportive of me,GÇ¥ said Craig.


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