Board keeps it loud

Langston filling Maltby district position for Monroe Public Schools

Kelly Sullivan

The Monroe Public Schools Board of Directors will appoint Jim Langston to represent the district and community of Maltby for the remainder of the current term for a seat previously held by Jim Scott.

The board made its decision during a special meeting Friday afternoon to interview two candidates that had applied to fill the seat held by Scott, 67, who died unexpectedly on Nov. 19.

“I haven’t met someone with a stronger passion for students,” said Monroe Public Schools superintendent Fredrika Smith about Scott. “He had such a deep-seeded passion for all children. He was always about what’s best for children, it’s never about him.”

Langston said he hadn’t considered running for school board during the 12 years Scott was in the seat.

“This position has always been filled by an amazing community member,” Langston said. “I never had any reason to consider it.”

The shorter, but potentially equally boisterous Jim spent much of the time cracking jokes and laughing jovially with his interviewers Friday. Board president Darcy Cheesman joked she thought the board meetings might be a little quieter now that Scott, who stood over 6 feet, wouldn’t be there to keep everything as lively, realizing she and her fellow board members may have chosen the wrong candidate in that case.

The board voted unanimously to appoint Langston following an executive session.

His involvement in private industry and growing a business, his community connections and student-centered perspective will all be assets to the school board, Smith said. Assistant superintendent Dr. Justin Blasko said the board’s newest addition brings extensive experience with early and childhood learning practices, a hot topic within the state and school district currently.

Langston and his family own and   operate Kid’s Country childcare, which has 11 locations throughout the Puget Sound region. The organization focuses on preparing kids for the very formative and often pivotal kindergarten experience, he said.

“Education is extremely important to me and my family...we have upwards of 2,000 children in our care every day,” he said. 

Langston often referred to his service with the Mount Baker Council Boy Scouts of America, noting what he has learned about leadership.

“My task as a scoutmaster is to let them fall,” he said. “It’s okay to let kids fail. If you bubble wrap them the whole time, then they’ll never know what it feels like to hit the ground, and the best thing I can do is let them hit the ground. I just make sure they don’t hit it too hard.”

Langston has four children with his wife, Pennie. He serves on and is a founding member of the Monroe Public Schools Foundation, was a “watchdog dad” in Maltby Elementary, and is a volunteer at Maltby and Hidden River schools, among many other current and former volunteer and service positions.

He said he is ready to take on this new role as board member in the community, and will support the board’s decisions, whether or not his vote is in alignment.

“We are going to support the board; we have to, because nothing happens when we don’t support each other,” Langston said. “It’s a team, and we have to focus on being a team. Unfortunately, sometimes things don’t go your way, things happen.”

The board also interviewed Linda Gorodo, who has extensive experience with grant writing, Spanish Immersion programs, was a foster parent, and is an advocate for alternative-learning practices, which she said helps give all students the assistance they need.

“Fortunately for us, we had two very passionate people that care that the board had a good opportunity to select from,” Blasko said. “I think that either choice would have carried on the legacy of Jim Scott.”

Langston will be sworn in at the next board meeting on Monday, Jan. 23. If he wants to keep the seat, he will have to file for candidacy with Snohomish County in June and run in the November general election.


Photo by Kelly Sullivan: The Monroe Public Schools Board of Directors voted unanimously Monday to appoint Jim Langston to represent the Maltby district following interviews at the school district office. Scott


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