Burke is all about his bass, voice that is

Making him one of a very select group of singers, Monroe High School's (MHS) Samuel Burke has been selected to sing Bass I for the All-State Symphonic Choir at the Regional Music Educator's Conference in Spokane, Washington this February,
This year, more than 2,600 students applied from all over the Pacific Northwest region.-á Burke is a senior with plans to get a degree in engineering and become an aerospace engineer. He also loves to sing.
"This is my second year singing in the choir, but I've been singing since I could talk,GÇ¥ Burke said. "Singing in a group with people who know music is a really cool experience.GÇ¥
While Burke doesn't plan to choose a college specifically for its choral program, he admits it could be a factor. "If the school was a great school for engineering but they also had an outstanding choral director, that would definitely factor in my balance sheet,GÇ¥ he said.
MHS Choir Director Ryan Hyde said Burke's work ethic sets him apart. "There are times I'll be walking in the hallway and I'll hear him in one of the practice rooms playing his part,GÇ¥ Hyde said. "He'll be learning the chords and all the parts underneath his part as well.GÇ¥
The All-State experience is "really challenging music, with the best voices in the state,GÇ¥ Hyde said. "It should be very educational and inspiring for him.GÇ¥
The conference brings together music teachers from the entire region to learn new and better ways to teach music.
Several weeks ago, Burke also had the honor of singing in the honor choir at the University of Puget Sound with select singers from around the state. "Singing with a group of really great singers like that was an amazing experience,GÇ¥ Burke said. "This is going to be like that but to the power of two.GÇ¥


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