Chief Jeff Brand to leave Sultan


Polly Keary, Editor
After four years at the helm of the Sultan Police Department, Jeff Brand is being reassigned.
It's a routine move, said Brand, who is a lieutenant with the Snohomish County Sheriff's Department, which provides Sultan's police force by contract.
"Actually, this is probably the longest stint that a lieutenant has done," he said. "Every couple years or so there is a shakeup. They do that because, the feeling is, if you get into a position and you stay there too long, you tend to stagnate. And also you get focused on your own crew and not the other crews and precincts."
Brand, who lives between Monroe and Sultan, has enjoyed working in his own neighborhood, he said.
"I have loved working in Sultan," he said. "I love working out here in the valley. I live out here so it's really easy to be connected."
And, he said, in the last four years Sultan has had some successes with things like Block Watch and crime rate reductions.
"We've had tremendous successes and it's because of all the people, the citizens, the city leadership, the fire department and the schools," he said. "It's been key working partnerships that made us all successful."
Brand doesn't know where he will serve next. But he fully plans to stay involved in the community.
"There are things my wife and daughter and I will be involved in, and we'll be volunteering," he said.
And he has confidence that whoever replaces him will be great for the community, he said.
"When Rick Hawkins left, there were people who were angry he wasn't allowed to stay and that I was going to step in because they loved him," he said. "Someone else will come in and they won't be Jeff just like I wasn't Rick. But they'll do fine."
Brand expects the transfer to take place about mid-February.


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