Chief Quenzer awards employees

By Sally Gillie, Monitor
By just doing their job, employees of the Monroe Police Department showed the kind of courage, compassion and resourcefulness that earned them special recognition at the Jan. 15 city council meeting.
Those officers were honored this week, as Monroe Police Chief Tim Quenzer presented the 2012 department awards before fellow officers, elected officials and members of the public.
The "LifesavingGÇ¥ award was presented to Officer James Tolbert, who administered life-saving first aid to a man during a routing welfare check.
Evidence Technician Julie Stuvland was given the "Distinguished ServiceGÇ¥ award for her outstanding job handling the evidence room and showing attention to detail, while providing assistance to Monroe officers and local citizens.
The "Distinguished ServiceGÇ¥ award was also presented to Community Service Officer LaDonna Walen, Investigations Assistant Monica Sandoval, and Customer Service Specialist Eloisa Rodriguez. They were honored for outstanding efforts to educate and train Monroe's Latino community on the proper use of child restraint systems. Their efforts resulted in 48 car seat inspections and the distribution of 30 new child restraint systems.
Officer Jason Southard was presented with a Letter of Commendation for his response to a tragic drowning incident on Aug. 26 at Lake Tye Park. Southard went into the lake in search of the victim and later went to the hospital to assist the family.
Letters of recognition went to the following officers:
Sergeant Steve Clopp, Officers Tim Walker, Jake Eriks, Javier Patton and Darryl Stamey were honored for their response to the tragic drowning incident at Lake Tye Park in August. "Their efforts were exceptional,GÇ¥ said Quenzer, "as they gathered information, interviewed witnesses, located the mother in Everett, and stayed with the family as they arrived at Valley General Hospital and later to Children's Hospital in Seattle.GÇ¥
Sergeant Derrel Johnson and Officer Scott Richey were recognized for taking the lead on case management of an arrest that solved more than 23 cases involving vehicle prowls, criminal trespass, and possession of stolen property. They both thoroughly reviewed the cases, worked with the prosecutor and were instrumental in achieving a high bail amount to keep the suspect incarcerated.
Sergeant Cindy Chessie was recognized for her exemplary service in child safety by obtaining a grant for a "Cribs for KidsGÇ¥ program that will provide free cribs to citizens who have children sleeping in unsafe conditions.
Officer Nathan Erdmann was honored for his excellent work with a recent arrest involving multiple burglaries with more than 20 victims stretching from King to Snohomish County.
Sergeants Rick Dunn and Brian Johnston were recognized for their excellent management in coordinating an area search for a missing juvenile girl that resulted in her safe return.
Officer Darryl Stamey was recognized for his outstanding efforts in leading the department in driving under the influence enforcement efforts, and his impact on road safety to Monroe citizens.


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