Chip in and vote for vital VGH services

Re: Valley General Hospital.-áThanks to our-áValley-áGeneral-áCEO for not "partnering" with Providence of Everett and allowing them to close our hospital (and of course, funneling our 3,600 yearly inpatient stays to their own facility 20 miles away; business is business, right?). In recent years Valley General has remodeled and modernized and kept up with the competition in order to provide us locals a top notch facility with caring and competent staff.-áWhat a shame it would have been to turn it into a huge empty building, and just throw it all away and turn it into a temporary emergency care only facility.
It's always been a comfort to me in my 42 years in Monroe to know that this hospital is just around the corner. I have had to take friends to the emergency room here several times and have needed emergency care more than once myself. We were always treated well and taken good care of by good doctors and nurses.
I have had several surgeries performed here in VGH by Dr. Eikerman, and Dr. Swenson, who are both very caring and competent doctors.-á I was in good hands. Dr. Cullison,-áDr. Munoz and Dr. Nagy, and others over the years, at the Providence clinic here have all been very good to me and communicate with the doctors from VGH and other local health organizations very nicely to coordinate my care and address any worries and concerns. All in all it's good to know that we have the kinds of facilities and people here locally who can save lives and take care of us when the need arises.
I will vote to chip in a little more each year to maintain our hospital and what we have here.-áIn many cases this can be a literal life and death decision for myself, my family, and my neighbors. I hope you all do the same.
Robert Van den Akker


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