Chris Wright resigns from Gold Bar council

by Polly Keary, Editor - Monroe Monitor --á
In a move that stunned council members and shut the city council meeting down early, councilman Chris Wright abruptly announced his resignation Tuesday night in Gold Bar.
A few minutes into the meeting, just after some routine business including approval of minutes and payroll, and just before the period for citizen comments which takes place before city business is discussed, Wright broke his news to audible gasps from the audience.
"Tonight is my last night on the council,GÇ¥ he said. "I'm going to school starting Monday.GÇ¥
He said it had been a "fun rideGÇ¥ and that he'd met a lot of good people.
"No one is driving me out of here,GÇ¥ he said. "I'm doing this all on my own. Getting a degree is in my best interest right now. With that said, thank you, guys, and I officially resign as of right now.GÇ¥
He then stood and walked out from the dais and sat in the audience.
Mayor Joe Beavers thanked Wright for his service and dedication before saying that the meeting was then cancelled, as there weren't enough council members present to constitute a quorum, the minimum number needed to pass a vote (Ken Ware and Florence Martin were absent).
Beavers said that citizen comments could still continue, whereupon Wright stood and said that he'd like to make a comment now that he was just a citizen.
He said that in his three years on the council, he'd tried to bring about positive change for the city.
He then demanded that three people who have been intensely critical of the city as well as accusatory toward him desist.
"I ask Joan (Ammen), Anne (Block) and Susan (Forbes) to leave my family alone,Gǥ he said. "If people talk bad about me I will take actionGǪas of today the rules change a little bit.Gǥ
His resignation leaves position 2 empty, and the city will have to appoint a replacement for him.


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