Community needs to support struggling hospital

We will vote yes April 23rd on the special levy to increase taxes for the Valley General
Hospital in Monroe. Our current tax rate support to the community hospital is the lowest
in the state and the hospital is struggling as a result.
Moving to this area 20 years ago, one of the factors we considered was having
a hospital facility nearby. We have used the hospital for routine prevention
tests, planned operations, an emergency operation and accidents that required
medical attention. Each time, we were grateful that we did not have to worry about
the traffic on Highway 2 or Highway 522 to get medical aid. The care, concern
and expert attention at Valley General Hospital made us very glad that we live in a
community that values health care.
The recent coalition formed between Evergreen Hospital and Valley General Hospital
will help with cutting costs on buying medical supplies in volume and sharing doctors
to provide the community with additional medical providers. Unfortunately, Evergreen
is also a community owned hospital and does not have funds to support another
hospital. We have a jewel in our community and we need to recognize the importance
of sustaining it.
Martha de Lisle and Ron de Lisle


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