Construction couple replaces Gold Bar Elementary ramp

When Gold Bar residents Casey and Maureen Cook found out vandals had destroyed two wooden access ramps at Gold Bar Elementary School, they knew they wanted to help.

The wooden ramps to two Gold Bar Elementary School portable units were completely destroyed sometime after the Gold Dust Days festival at the end of July. A Sultan School District board member discovered the damage on July 27 and reported it to school officials. The ramps provided both regular and ADA access to four portable classrooms.-á

As the owner of Backwoods Construction, it was a project right up Casey Cook's alley, as the company specializes in interior remodels, new construction, additions and residential repairs. The fact that the Cooks have children enrolled at Gold Bar Elementary motivated them even more. Casey was eager put his professional skills to good use.

"The good Lord has blessed my construction company with abundant business here in the valley, and I wanted to do something to help. Two of my employees have children at the school as well,GÇ¥ Casey said. "It just seemed like the right thing to do.GÇ¥-á

The ramps had to be compliant with ADA specifications and constructed out of ADA-approved materials, all of which are regulations that Casey has experience with in the context of his profession. On Wednesday, Aug. 26, he obtained permission from the school district to perform the work, and reached out to Barmon Lumber in Sultan for assistance.

"I asked Barmon Lumber to provide the materials and they didn't hesitate,GÇ¥ Casey said.

Cook and his crew constructed the new ramps and handrails on Thursday, Aug. 27 ' just in time for the new school year. Cook paid the members of his crew for their time, and donated the labor to the school district. He said he was more than happy to help.

"Just doing what we do,GÇ¥ Cook said.

Photo courtesy of Casey and Maureen Cook When the ADA-approved ramp to several Gold Bar Elementary classrooms were destroyed by an act of vandalism in late July, Casey and Maureen Cook, owners of Backwoods Construction, stepped in to replace it in time for school.


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