DMA launches community cleaning effort

Support needed for monthly cleanups

Kelly Sullivan

The Downtown Monroe Association has started a new cleanup program in the city’s core.

Clean-up volunteer groups will meet at 9 a.m. for about two hours on the last Saturday of each month in the historic corridor to remove litter from the streets, said DMA Board of Directors vice president Dianne Forth. Members wanted to start a program that would include regular gatherings.

“It is something we have talked about for a long time,” Forth said.

The Monroe-based nonprofit focuses on building up and restoring the historic downtown corridor and promoting economic development.

Forth said the hope is that representatives of different local organizations will send out volunteers for the monthly cleanups. They want to get as much of the community involved as possible, she said.  Families and individuals of all ages are welcome and encouraged to join.

The work will start on the southeast corner of the intersection of Lewis and Main streets, and then smaller groups will fan out.

Equipment, such as bags, gloves and brooms, will be provided, Forth said.

Forth said she believes it is important for residents to be invested in their city, and that is reflected in how it looks. Their involvement shows visitors and other community members they care. The effort also supports local businesses by helping them take care of their surroundings, she said.

“If we keep going at it, then it becomes the norm,” Forth said.

Photo by Kelly Sullivan: Dona Evans and Melanie Ryan, founder of Beck’s Place, pick up trash during the joint downtown community cleanup event hosted by the Downtown Monroe Association and Beck’s Place back in March 2017. Ron Tehan and Monroe Mayor Geoffrey Thomas pick up trash during the joint downtown community cleanup.


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