Evergreen State Fair Guide Photo Contest!

Each year, the Monroe Monitor produces a Fair Guide for visitors to the Evergreen State Fair and distributes it to readers throughout the Sky Valley. This year we want you to choose the cover image. We're-áputting out an open call to local photographers of all stripes-áto submit their photos and vote for their favorite.

Photos can be from any fair in the past, on any subject. They only must be from the Evergreen State Fair. Carnival rides, blue ribbon winners, animal exhibits, small children enjoying the fair and fair event such as rodeo or races are all excellent potential subjects, but the possibilities are endless!

To submit: Email your photo to editor@monroemonitor.com with the subject line "Fair Guide Photo Contest.GÇ¥ The contest runs from July 1 to July 31. Please include your full name in the email. To be considered for-áthe competition, your photo must:

  • Be original and your property
  • be 8.5GǦ x 11GǦ at 200 dpi
  • Include the Evergreen State Fair
  • Be free from nudity, obscenity, advertisements and political statements.

You can vote for your favorite photo at anytime during July by selecting the photo you like best and clicking the Vote button at the bottom of the page.

Thanks for taking part, and good shooting!


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