Fish and Wildlife clears Wallace River for coho fishing

By Brandon Macz

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife has announced that Wallace River reopened to fishing for coho salmon and gamefish from Saturday, Sept. 30, to Thursday, Nov. 30.

Wallace River was closed to fishing on Sept. 16 to ensure that chinook broodstock goals were met at the Wallace Hatchery, and they now have.

Rules announced by WDFW apply from the mouth of Wallace River farthest downstream from the railroad bridge to 200 feet upstream of the water intake for the hatchery. The area beyond that will open on Nov. 1.

“Pink salmon abundance remains below escapement goals,” according to a WDFW news release, “so pink salmon must be released. Under statewide general rules there is no fishing within 400 feet downstream of the hatchery weir.”

A night closure and anti-snagging rule is in effect, and fishing from a floating device is prohibited. WDFW states the limit is for three coho, and chinook and chum also must be released.

Trout caught must be at least 14 inches, and are at a two-per-day.



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