Focus on Seniors: Support Sky Valley Relay For Life

By Holly Glen Gearhart, Contributing Writer
The East County Senior Center is teaming with the Sky Valley Relay For Life group for an evening of fun and fundraising. Friday's Bingo Night at the Center is expecting an extra 70 or more people to attend to play bingo and raise the pot to split the winnings with Relay For Life.
Jacob McGee, program director at ECSC, says the bingo pot usually tops $500 but expects that to rise with the additional attendees.
You wouldn't necessarily think of the relatively sedentary "sportGÇ¥ of bingo in the same moment as The American Cancer Society's annual Relay For Life; you'd be more likely to picture the image of cancer survivors and their families and friends running relay races night and day around a track.
But as the Relay For Life events have gained popularity, more venues are growing outside of sports arenas.
The Relay For Life event began in 1985 after Tacoma colorectal surgeon Dr. Gordy Klatt walked and ran around a track for 24 hours and raised $27,000 for the American Cancer Society.
Since then, the Relay For Life event spread until it became a worldwide phenomenon and has raised nearly $5 billion for the fight against cancer.
Friday, Feb. 28, Bingo begins at 6:45 p.m. at the East County Senior Center, 276 Sky River Parkway, Monroe, across from the Monroe Boys & Girls Club and the Sky Valley Food Bank.
Buy-In is only $7. All Special Packs are $5 and benefit Sky Valley Relay For Life. Call (360) 794-6359 for more information.


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