Full-service hospitals save lives

Please vote YES on the levy for Valley General Hospital.-áWe need a local-áfull-service hospital where people can get emergency services, deliver babies, and have surgical procedures and other treatments.-áPlease, don't make Everett or Kirkland our only options.
Emergency services backed up by a real full-service hospital are critical to saving lives in our community.-áA person could die in the time it takes to travel the extra distance.-áDon't think for a moment that the new Providence "Urgent CareGÇ¥ center is going to fulfill this role: it will not.-áI'm told that if you go there with a serious emergency, they will probably tell you to call 911.-áI am also informed they will not see you if you are uninsured, on Medicare, or on Medicaid, unless you happen to be an established patient at their clinic.
Please vote YES on the hospital levy.-áIt's about $6 a month on a $200,000 home.-áTo save a life, anyone's life, it's well worth it.
Peg Ferm


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