Gold Bar family seeks missing girl

Blond and hazel-eyed, 17-year-old Emily Maxine Boals has been missing for over a week.
Her mom just wants her to come home.
Ramona Liberty of Gold Bar is seeking any information that might help her locate her daughter. Boals, who has recently been staying with her father in the Seattle area, left home on Tuesday, July 22, and no one in the family has heard from her since. The family received tips that placed the young girl in Sultan within the past five days, but so far, nothing has panned out.
"There's just so much misinformation out there. Somebody knows something and they're not saying what it is,GÇ¥ said Liberty. "I don't know what's going on. I just know my baby's gone and I want her to come home.GÇ¥
Not even her boyfriend has heard from her.
Boals' family has filed a missing persons report with the Seattle Police Department and has also alerted the Snohomish County Sheriff's Office. Family members have been scouring the Sultan area, following up on leads, with no success.
She left her father's house on Tuesday with nothing more than a backpack and her cellphone.
"If she's out there she's got nothing with her,GÇ¥ said Liberty.
Attempts to trace her last few calls offered no clues as to her current whereabouts.
In the beginning, Liberty thought that perhaps her daughter had simply become upset about something and taken off to go hang out with friends. But when she and her husband, Mike, renewed their wedding vows on Saturday and Boals was a no-show at the event, she had to face the possibility that something may have happened to her daughter.
"She was supposed to be there; she told us she was going to be there,GÇ¥ said Liberty, who explained that Boals has always been close with her stepfather. "It's shocking that she would miss that.GÇ¥
Boals grew up in Gold Bar, but has lived in Seattle with her father, Bradley Boals, for the past couple of months.
Even if Boals had gotten into an argument with her father, Liberty does not feel that she would stay gone for such a long period of time, especially without contacting anybody she knows. In the past, Boals had always called her to let her know when she'd had a disagreement with her dad.
"Never has there been a time when she's been upset with him that she didn't call me,GÇ¥ said Liberty. "It has never happened in her 17 years of life.GÇ¥
Boals attended the Sultan School District and is interested in pursuing a modeling career. Liberty is concerned that her daughter's beauty and trusting personality may have gotten her into trouble.
"She's pretty. I could see somebody manipulating her because she's highly gullible,Gǥ said Liberty. "She's got no fearGǪThat child is as adventurous as they come and she doesn't always realize what she's getting herself into.Gǥ
Liberty said that her family will continue looking for Boals until she is found. They are hoping that anybody who has any information on their daughter's whereabouts will contact them.
"We're not out to get anybody in trouble. We don't care. If you don't want to contact her dad, then contact us. If you don't want to contact us, then contact her dad,GÇ¥ said Liberty. "No questions asked. Just bring her home safe if it's possible.GÇ¥
Emily Boals is 5 foot 9 inches tall and weighs approximately 130 pounds. She has greenish-brown eyes and was last seen with a black backpack. She has several small spaceships tattooed on her torso, just above her abdomen.
For Liberty, not knowing where her daughter is has been unbelievably difficult.
"It's like part of you is gone; it's just surreal,GÇ¥ said Liberty. "You just can't get over the fact that this is your family and this is your child. This just doesn't happen.GÇ¥
"I just want my baby, my little Bugga,GÇ¥ continued Liberty.
Boals is skilled at martial arts and loves cars and car racing. If you have any information as to the whereabouts of Boals, please contact Ramona Liberty at 425-941-4074. Further information can be found at:-á


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