Gold Bar Red Hats recognize one of their own in memoriam


Every year during the Sky Valley Community Awards Celebration, honors are given to those who have passed away; those whose impact on the community is still felt and will not soon be forgotten.

This year's awards ceremony included such a presentation, given by Karen Howard of the Gold Bar Red Hats. The Gold Bar Red Hats are a service organization primarily made up of women, easily recognizable by their eccentric purple garb and signature red hats. The Gold Bar Red Hats sponsor numerous community events, including the Christmas parade and tree lighting, the Easter egg hunt and Gold Dust Days.

"They are a fun-loving group of ladies and some honorary member men that love to help wherever and whenever they can,GÇ¥ said Sky Valley Community Awards Celebration emcee Larry Foley. "They are a service club that supports Gold Bar and the Sky Valley with a flair.GÇ¥

This year, the group honored Richard Chase, an honorary Red Hat who died last spring. Howard presented the honor.

"In June of 2005, Richard and Janice Chase moved to Gold Bar to be closer to family. And even though he was battling Parkinson's disease, Richard continued his calling as a campground chaplain and began serving at the Gold Bar Nature Trails,GÇ¥ Howard said. "After completing his training at the police and fire chaplain's academy, he volunteered as a chaplain for Snohomish County Fire District 26.GÇ¥

Chase didn't stop there, but instead endeavored to be even more involved in the community, Howard said. He helped support Gold Bar's senior population, became an honorary member of the Gold Bar Red Hats and got involved with the Gold Bar VFW. His love for music earned him the nickname "music manGÇ¥ and he would frequently provide sound during Red Hat and city events.

"His biggest attribute, however, was his ability to bring a smile to all those who knew him. Richard passed away April 3, 2015, but his service to the community has not been forgotten,GÇ¥ Howard said. "It's my honor and my privilege to have known him and to have called him my father.GÇ¥

Howard presented her mother, Janice, with a Random Acts of Kindness award in her father's memory. Richard and Janice were married for more than 61 years.

This year's community awards celebration was held on Saturday, Feb. 6, at Sultan High School. For more information about the awards, visit

Photo by Chris Hendrickson Gold Bar Red Hat member Karen Howard presented her mom, Janice Chase, with a Random Acts of Kindness Award in honor of her father, Richard Chase, who died last year.


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