Grapes: not just for wine-making (but that's good, too!)

By Rosalyn Santerre, Contributing Writer

Wine is made from grapes. Grapes are a fruit. Fruit is good for you and so is a healthy buzz on a Friday night.
It's 8 p.m., the kids are tucked in bed and it's time to get your Walking Dead on, complete with stained sweats, garlic breath and your "Mom of the YearGÇ¥ coffee mug filled to the brim with Grocery Outlet's cheapest wine.
Yeah, I went there.
I'd like to tell you how you can make your own wine from grapes you've grown in your garden over the summer, but I'm a realist. If you're a flannel sporting, black-rimmed-glasses wearing, infinity scarf loving hipster, kindly direct yourself to the next KCTS broadcasting for Wine Making 101.
What I CAN tell you about is my knowledge in healthy vegetables and fruits I can either trick my kids into eating or hide inside other not-so-healthy foods. This topic I'm a master in and I'm not ashamed to say it. Rosalyn: wino by night, veggie-sneaking-mom by day.
Enter Dave, my gardening extraordinaire neighbor. My kids love him and I envy his ridiculously green thumbs. This man could grow curtains if he tried hard enough. One of his specialties, in his packed-to-the-brim, 10x20 garden, is his grapes. He's pruned, loved, nurtured and fed those plants for 15 years. We have the luxury of reaping the fruits of his labor.
One of my favorite recipes to make with his grapes is my famous Chicken Grape Pitas.
These bad boys are filled with so many vegetables and almonds, it's ridiculous. The kids haven't said anything thus far. I secretly laugh to myself, hiding behind the cupboard with an evil grin, while I watch them eat with smiles on their faces, completely unaware of the fact they are not just eating Dave's delicious grapes but green stuff and nuts, as well.
Mom: 1, Spawn: 0.

Chicken Grape Pitas
Pita bread
Handful of grapes, sliced
Cooked chicken breast, cubed
1 stalk of celery, minced
1 large tomato, chopped
-+ cup of slivered almonds
-+ cup olive oil mayo
Splash of vinegar
Pinch of sugar
Squirt of mustard
Salt and pepper to taste
Mix, chill, stuff.
That's it!


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