Homemade beauty products

When it comes to beauty products, it seems the sky is the limit for prices on anti-aging creams and other potions; those with the wherewithal can spend $500 or more for a small jar of high-end product.
While some products are best created by professionals familiar with SPF and chemicals such as retinol and AHA, there's no need to drop that kind of money for some items such as toner, cleanser or scrub.
In fact, according to Snohomish beauty product maker Medina Blanchet, who sells preservative-free products under the brand name Face Food, it's possible to make a few of your own favorite products in your own kitchen at a fraction of what they would cost in a beauty store.
So frustrated with high-priced beauty products was Blanchet that she spent a year and a half experimenting with natural ingredients until she'd concocted a rich lotion of coconut cream, aloe vera, green tea, grapefruit seed extract and vitamins C and E.
Because there are no waxes, preservatives or other non-nutritious ingredients in her face cream, she called it Face Food, and now sells it at www.facefoodcream.com for just $6.50 per one-ounce jar.
"As a nutritionist I am not only concerned with what people eat, but also with what they put on their skin,GÇ¥ said Blanchet, who holds a bachelor's degree in nutrition from Bastyr University, a leading natural health university.-á"It's all about keeping it simple and minimizing the risk of skin sensitivities.GÇ¥
You, too, can prepare simple, inexpensive and luxurious products in your own home, she said.
Below are three of her recipes for products with which you can pamper yourself or friends, and which make great gifts for Mother's Day, coming up next month.

Facial toner
One cup of witch hazel (any brand)
15 drops of grapefruit seed extract
2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil (lavender works well). Essential oil is very strong, so don't use too much.
Store in a glass or plastic container. Apply to face with a cotton ball after cleansing and before moisturizing.

Face Wash
One container of liquid moisturizing body soap
1 empty bottle with a foaming dispenser (You can find these at any store with soap already in it.)
Tea tree oil
Grapefruit seed extract
Fill bottle 1/3 full with moisturizing soap. Add -+ teaspoon of tea tree oil and 15 drops of grapefruit seed extract. Fill to within 1 inch of the top of the container with water. After putting the top back on, shake vigorously to mix ingredients thoroughly.
Both grapefruit seed extract and tea tree oil can be purchased at a health food store. Tea tree oil is also sold in small containers at Trader Joe's. These ingredients are antiseptic, antiviral and antibacterial.
When using a foaming-type dispenser your product will go a long way and, in the long run, will be less expensive than purchasing a facial cleanser.
Bath Salts
1 cup Epsom salts
-+ cup baking soda
-+ cup powdered milk
Mix all ingredients together and use for one bath. The Epsom salts are made of magnesium, which helps your muscles to relax. The baking soda helps to improve your pH balance and the powdered milk makes your skin feel soft. It is best to do this just before bedtime.


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