January scholars

Alex Frogget, Science; Daniel Estrada, History; Kevin White, Instrumental Music, Amber Van Burnt, Athletic Academic Scholar; Milee Allsop, Math; Matthew Horsley, History; Shelby Knisley, P.E.
Kelsey Beebe, World Languages; Victoria Ny-Breckwoldt, Instrumental Music; Kees Westra, Math; Bethany Levy, Science; Chloe SanClemente Thompson, English; Damiano Besabe, Drama; Jayden Craig, History; Wayne Van Duren, Video Production 1.
Chad Kaki, P.E.; Daniel Lugo, Counseling; Peter Miyoshi, Math; Andres Fuentes, 9th grade Humanities; Mitchell Johnson, Counseling; Tiffany Dreewes, Science.
Not in Photo: Corrina Roppo, Conor Moser , Alyssa Strowe, Sabrina George, Joseph Tymczak , Breanne Shore
Photo by Dan Armstrong


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