Julia V. Morris Centennial Garden's annual report shows better year than the last

The Sky Valley Food Bank's Julia V. Morris Centennial Garden had a banner year, according to an annual report releases earlier this month.

The quarter-acre garden was created in 1999 to provide produce for food bank clients and foster collaborations with people of all ages interested in learning more about gardening.

This year's harvest bested last year's yield by 1,500 pounds, with 4,503 pounds of produce donated from May to October. The garden's 32 varietal tomato plants alone provided 847 pounds of food or about 25 pounds per plant, according to the report.

Volunteer hours were clocked at 1,152, with 55 volunteers for the season, 10 being consistent helpers and another 12 being Comcast Cares Day volunteers.

JVM Garden Director Marilee Schneider encourages those interested in volunteers or learning more about gardening to call her at 425-754-2445 or email m.schneider@hotmail.com to be added to the email list.

Stay tuned for the new Adopt a Veggie program coming in 2016.


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