Letter to the Editor | Boys & Girls club thankful for support

The Monroe Boys & Girls Club works hard to inspire youth in the Monroe community through a variety of programs. On April 25, we were inspired by [more than] 200 volunteers that came out to participate in the 2015 Comcast Cares Day.

Volunteers offered the Monroe club a new look by providing a fresh coat of paint to nearly every room in the club [and] a new outdoor play area, including raised garden beds so that the kids can learn to grow their own food and much more.

The Monroe club was also generously supported with a $25,000 grant from Comcast & United Way Worldwide that is being used to install brand-new computers in the club's Tech Lab and to help launch the Sqord program to support our healthy lifestyles programs.

We could not have done any of this without the support of Comcast and the numerous volunteers that spent their day with us.

Thank you for supporting the Monroe Boys & Girls Club, and thank you for being an inspiration to our youth.

Jeff Rasmussen

Unit Director

Monroe Boys & Girls Club


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