Letter to the Editor | Downtown crosswalks need safety flags

I approached our mayor, Geoffrey Thomas, last December about getting some crosswalk flags installed here in our city. I visited Duvall many months ago, and I noticed they had them at their busy intersections downtown. I visited their chamber office for some information.
After my conversation with our mayor that day in December, I began sending him e-mails about my idea. He did answer me back and thanked me for the information.
Ever since that day, I have been given the run-around. It is not safe to cross the streets here in Monroe. I am a walker. At least three times, I've been nearly hit at Lewis and Main streets. -áLast week, I saw [someone] nearly hit a man who was trying to cross by Jeno's.
I worked downtown many years ago and it was bad then, and now it is so much worse with people using cellphones and not paying attention!
I even sent Mr. Thomas an e-mail suggesting that maybe our inmates at the prison could make the flags for us. Now the city is going to undertake changing parking downtown?
Please, Monroe people, please stand behind me on this. Our lives are worth us being able to carry a crosswalk flag across the intersection. They [cost approximately] $25 for 100 of them. -áI hope this letter will spur some interest. Thanks for listening ' our lives are worth it.
I have offered to help in any way I can.

Mary Peterson Clark




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