Letter to the Editor | Memorial Day ceremonies under-attended

I-áattended the Memorial Day ceremonies at IOOF Cemetery here in Monroe.-á It was a wonderful program; I do not know who puts this program together.

It is such a shame, very few people attended. There was no publicity about it at all. Memorial Day programs were listed in the Herald newspaper at least two times ' was Monroe mentioned? No, it was not. We should have [had] a huge crowd at this event. The guest speaker was a 1-Star general (of 33years).-áHis speech was incredible.-áFamilies should be there, especially youth,-áso they will know what Memorial Day is all about. It is not a three-day weekend to go camping, etc.-á

These men and women gave their lives so that we may have freedom of speech and freedom. I knew this program was going to be presented because-áI go year after year to decorate the graves.-á-á-á

Please, Monroe, let's get with the program ' other cities do. Thanks for listening. -á-á

Mary Peterson Clark



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