LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Thank you ' From the Monroe Police Department

On Thursday, July 7, 2016, a tragic event occurred in Dallas, Texas where five police officers were murdered.When police officers are involved in fatal situations, whether they are those who are killed or they take the life of another person it greatly affects the members of the Monroe Police Department. The killings in Dallas were very impactful to the Department as it brought back the reality that when they leave home to start their work shift that this might be the last time they see their families or their families see them.

On the morning of July 8 I wrote the following to all members of the Department:"Last night 12 Dallas police officers were shot, five fatally, at a "Black lives matterGÇ¥ protest. We in the Monroe Police Department believe that ALL lives matter and are important.We have policies and regulations in place that promote that statement. In any profession there are those who may not adhere to their agency's policies and appear to violate them. We have processes both legal and administrative to address those situations. To shoot 12 officers, it baffles me in how this makes any situation better.In fact, public opinion has been swayed in the opposite direction from what the murderer intended. We have dedicated our lives and our careers to protect and assist ALL citizens in any way we can and these murders do not change that in any way.Please be safe out there, continue to do your job and know that I and the citizens of Monroe have your back and support your efforts to protect and serve.GÇ¥

The show of support from the citizens of Monroe started with flowers left at our front door at 7 am on July 8. The show of support has continued on with more flowers, food (yes, doughnuts), letters and cards, which all shows their support for the men and women of the Monroe Police Department. The show of support has come from businesses in town, families, individuals and children.

I and the Department members want to thank everyone who showed their support for us.I have always told members of our Department that Monroe is a very special place to work because of the great support our citizens' show towards the Police Department. This tragic event just proves that the people in Monroe are very special and we in the Department appreciate YOU and your support very much.Thank you again.

Chief Tim Quenzer

Monroe Police Department



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