Levy or latte; what's more important?

To the Editor:
Nancy and I are writing in support of the Valley General Hospital Levy. We have lived in Monroe for over 30 years and in that time we have seen many improvements in Valley General. It has gone from a sleepy last resort facility to a first choice one. As with many families in the Sky Valley we have needed emergency medical services; in a couple cases life saving. Valley General provided the care 30 to 40 minutes sooner than Everett or Kirkland, which avoided disastrous results caused by time delays. You never know when you will need immediate care hence the need for great quality local care. Loss of some of the important facilities at Valley General because of lack of funds appears certain without the levy.
In 1990 the population of Monroe was 6,047 and in 2011 it was 17,493. The surrounding area has grown similarly. This places great demand on the hospital which has not had a levy increase during this growth spurt. More people, more need, more traffic make Valley General a vital part of the health network of our community. We cannot afford to lose this vital resource.
The levy calls for a few dollars more per year in our taxes. Think of it this way: the additional nominal cost of the levy is about the price of a couple lattes a week. If our finances are so tight we must choose between the levy and lattes there is no doubt in our minds we need to vote yes for the levy.
Nancy & Paul Cavassa


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