Monroe appoints judge for municipal court to open in January

Monroe City Council confirmed Mayor Geoffrey Thomas' recommendation for the position of Monroe Municipal Court Judge, unanimously agreeing to appoint Mara Rozzano to the position on Tuesday, Nov. 18, during the regular business meeting of the Monroe City Council.
The municipal court will have jurisdiction over all traffic infractions and misdemeanor offenses that occur in the city of Monroe. Historically, such offenses have been processed at the Snohomish County Evergreen District Court, which is located by the Evergreen State Fairgrounds.
Judge Rozzano received both her Bachelor of Arts degree and her Juris Doctorate from the University of Washington. After graduating, she traveled oversees and worked for a business law firm in Italy.
Rozzano shared that, after returning to the United States, her very first court appearance took place in the courtroom of long-time Evergreen District Court judge, Judge Stephen Clough.
"That was well over 20 years ago,GÇ¥ said Rozzano. "I fell in love with it. I fell in love with being in court, and I fell in love with the area all over again. I had come back from Italy, and this was where I wanted to make my home.GÇ¥
Judge Rozzano served as a deputy prosecuting attorney for Snohomish County in their criminal division for over 21 years. She stated that she was both excited and honored to have been selected for possible appointment to the judge position in Monroe.
"I know you had a number of qualified candidates and I want to express, at this point, my appreciation at being considered and my appreciation at being offered the position,GÇ¥ said Rozzano.
The municipal court will hold proceedings one day-áa week in the Monroe City Council Chambers as of January 1, 2015. Alterations at city hall, including establishing a jury deliberation room, have been ongoing at city hall during the past several weeks.
The new court was proposed as a method of providing more expedient court services to citizens and reducing certain costs associated with outsourcing court services.
Judge Rozzano will serve for the next four years. Being as the position is part time, an election is not required.
"Judge Rozzano, welcome to Monroe,GÇ¥ said Mayor Thomas.


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