Monroe Chase Bank gets new tech upgrades

Chase Bank in Monroe is offering customers a variety of new services, including access to a new Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) that can provide customized amounts of money with bills of any denomination.

The Monroe branch was selected to receive the updates because it's one of the busiest in Washington, said branch manager Megan Lewis.

The new ATM inside the Monroe branch is accessible during regular business hours. In addition to receiving customized amounts of money, it accommodates a much higher daily limit, allowing customers to withdraw up to $3,000 in a day. If a customer needs to withdraw $248, they are able to withdraw exactly that amount.

"Customers have been asking for this for years,GÇ¥ Lewis said. "They are able to take up to $3,000 in $100s, $20s, $5s and $1s. It's amazing.GÇ¥

Customers can use the new machine to manage credit card payments and transfer funds from one account to another without having to wait for a teller or fill out deposit and withdrawal slips. There is a higher immediate availability for deposited checks written from a Chase Bank account, and in the future, customers will be able to use the new ATM for mortgage payments.-á

The new device features a large-size touchscreen interface for maximum ease of use.

"Customers love the convenience we've given them,GÇ¥ Lewis said. "They love the larger iPad-like screens, the ability to get multi-denominations and being able to deposit up to 200 bills at one time.GÇ¥-á

Customers who appreciate and prefer interacting with a teller will continue to have that option, but the new ATM offers customers an alternative that could save them time in the long run, Lewis said. To Chase, it's all about maximizing customer convenience and enhancing the customer experience for those that might prefer the self-service option, Lewis said.-á


In addition to the updated technology provided by the new ATM, Monroe's Chase Bank was also selected to receive a new technology called Instant Issue. An Instant Issue device has the ability to instantaneously create a new, permanent debit card for customers upon account creation. Or, if a customer's debit card becomes damaged, lost or stolen, the Instant Issue device gives bankers the ability to create a new card for that customer on the spot.

"We at Highway 2 Chase are truly honored and grateful for having been chosen as one of the first branches in Washington to get this new technology,GÇ¥ Lewis said. "Our bankers are actually the ones who assist our customers in printing out a new card. In a matter of two minutes, our customers are walking out the door, ready to go shopping or on their vacation.GÇ¥

Customers are no longer required to wait to receive their new card in the mail. In the past, if a customer experienced a theft, they would need to call the bank to have the card cancelled, and wait five to seven business days to receive the new one ' without ATM access in the meantime.

Instant Issue technology completely changes that outcome. There is no activation required; the new cards created with Instant Issue are ready to use right away.

"I am so proud to be a part of an organization that never stops evolving and adapting to their customers' needs,GÇ¥ Lewis said.

The Monroe Chase Bank is located at 18751 State Route 2, in the Fred Meyer parking lot. For more information about Chase Bank, visit

Photo by Chris Hendrickson Chase BankGÇÖs new cash machine is located inside the Monroe branch, and is available for use during business hours.


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