Monroe council opposes two marijuana retailer license applications

Kelly Sullivan

The Monroe City Council passed resolutions in opposition of two marijuana retailer license applications at last Tuesday's meeting.

Police Chief Tim Quenzer received separate letters from the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board on Jan. 9 and Jan. 11 for applications filed for 14697 Chain Lake Road, Suite A, and 17376 W. Main St., Suite C, addresses.

The council's unanimous vote authorizes and directs Mayor Geoffrey Thomas to express the city's position, and request a hearing before the board.

However, it is the sole discretion of the board whether or not they will grant the request, Quenzer said.

Councilmembers Patsy Cudaback and Jason Gamble said they are still in opposition of accepting retailers because of what knowledge they have about the issue to date. Right now, Cudaback said she still believes it is the right thing to do.

Councilmember Jim Kamp said he agreed, but he would also continue to receive more information.

“I think we should look at this more closely over the next year; look for better arguments and more direction from the people on what they want,” he said.

Nine out of 10 of Monroe's precincts passed Initiative 502 in 2012. The council adopted an ordinance in 2015 that prohibits all marijuana-related businesses from operating in city limits.

“We did have a lot of people come forward after the initiative passed and say, 'We don't want this in Monroe,' so there was a lot of public comment,” Cudaback said.

The city has 20 days to respond to the state's letters. 


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