Monroe High announces April scholars

Monroe High School Department Scholars for the month of April are:
9th Grade Humanities, Brandon Schoeben and Ryan Spengler; Advanced Drama, Ian Squires; Art, Krisha Bautista and Jaime Cruz Pelayo; Counseling, Jared Suggs; Drama 1, Kaylee Rule; English, Cole Smith and Megan Woo; Health, John Adams and Stephanie Mehlhaff; History, Uday Bajaj and Michelle Cao; Instrumental Music, Rachel Lee and Shelby Mathwig; Library, Silvia Chen and Roberto Jimenez-Mendez; Manufacturing Technology, Luke Hanson; Math-Geometry Block, Lena Lombardi; Math-Pre,Calculus , Samuel Hageman; Physical Education, Maricsa Godina-Ruiz and Keith Stapleton; Science, Bailee Kamp and Cassidy Wilson; Vocal Music, Julia Gorordo and Jordan Roche; World Languages, Kori Oster and Lizette Sandoval;
First row: Krisha Bautista, Ryan Spengler, Cole Smith. Second row: Stephanie Mehlhaff, Jordan Roche Silvia Chen, Brandon Schoeben. Third row: Julia Gorordo, Kori Oster, Bailee Kamp, Samuel Hageman. Fourth row: Jared Suggs, Ian Squires, Uday Bajaj, John Adams and Keith Stapleton


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